We came out here for our next fair early because the camping is less expensive here and we have a week and a half till our fair. Anyway they are having a cowboy roping event here, so we are completely surrounded! Cowboys to the left of me, cowboys to the right! And they are the single most inconsiderate people I have seen yet on our travels.
These few dozen folks are letting their dogs run wild, no leashes whatsoever, so they are getting into the trashcans, shitting everywhere, etc. It's a disaster. Their horses are doing what horses do, also crapping everywhere, and they just leave it. The trash, the dog messes, the horse messes....
It's just unbelievable. I was ready to write a funny post here about the cowboys, but over the course of two days it has ceased to be funny at all. They are gross. Spitting at every turn, chewing tobacco, wives screaming like shrews at kids, dogs, whatever...
All of this so that they can go abuse animals for their entertainment.
It's just disgusting. Thankfully they should all be gone tonight or tomorrow sometime. Leaving only the piles and mess behind.